Tips for traveling to Japan
Of course, what you find here are just that, advice or recommendations; We do not want to be categorical and we do not want to tell anyone how to prepare their trips or how to enjoy Japan. So think that our advice is nothing more than ideas that can help you on your trip to Japan. Surely some things you had already taken into account and, maybe, not others.

We hope that with all of them your visit to the country of the rising sun will be even simpler and more pleasant. And remember that to plan your trip to Japan we have a page with a wide assortment of content categorized by themes and, in addition, we have created beautiful maps that are integrated with your Google Maps and contain all the recommendations that we make you of places to visit, hotels , restaurants, etc.
We hope you find these tips interesting!
Decide what to see in Japan
Many people are surprised when they begin to discover how big this country is. Therefore, it is very important to think in advance what we want to see in Japan. Especially depending on the time we have. It is not the same to make a first visit of 7 or 10 days than to have 3 weeks or even more. For this we have recommended itineraries for all tastes. But, above all, think about which regions or cities you want to visit. Are you interested in seeing the surroundings of Tokyo? The Japanese Alps? Or maybe you want to go to Kyushu or Shikoku? Be that as it may, in Japonismo we have a new interactive map that you can use to see all the contents of the main Japanese cities and of all the regions of the country. Easier, impossible.
Plan when to go
Traveling to Japan is a joy at any time of the year. We have already told you why summer, autumn, winter and spring are great moments to do it. And in each season of the year, Japan surprises us with something unique. So in this case, be calm. But it is important to know the main events of each season, so that you decide according to your tastes which is the best time. Cherry trees in spring, heat and humidity but with wonderful matsuris in summer, red leaves in autumn, snow and Christmas decorations in winter … In Japan there is something special at each time of year and, as you can see, we have everything covered.
It is also important to know the average temperature in each month, something we have compiled on the climate page where you can consult the temperature table of our interactive weather map to get an idea of the temperatures and rainfall in the region during the month of our visit. Of course this can change later, but this way we can get an idea of what clothes to carry in the suitcase. Then it will always be interesting, once the date of our trip approaches, review the forecast of the next seven days, to see if the temperatures follow the annual average or if instead it is colder or warmer than normal, if it is going to rain, etc.